葉落,粉紅花朵的雨樹,風吹過,落英繽紛,草地鋪了粉色的花瓣。一片花瓣,有著一個動人的故事,等待欣賞的人,傾訴紅粉的妝容。雨樹化春泥,清秋。 萬夏點妝紅,夏夜。 芳草葉繽紛,春醒。
Fallen leaves, trees in the rain with pink flowers, the breeze passing by, petals falling, pink flowers paved on the ground. Each petal has a touching story, waiting to tell the tale to someone who appreciates. The Spring Soil, Ching Chiu. Summer Adornments, Hsia Yeh.The Fragrance of Flowers and Grass, Chun Hsing.
全發酵 (100%),輕焙火。台灣特有紅玉種,葉型條索、烏黑鮮活;湯色紅玉,香似薄荷微甘甜,口感涼爽帶韻回甘。另有阿薩姆紅茶,糖香濃郁活潑,茶湯強勁具收斂性。
DAHUANG Black Tea is strongly flavored but still pleasing todrink. It can be consumed hot or cold and may be mixed with additional additives.