紅茶Black Tea

葉落,粉紅花朵的雨樹,風吹過,落英繽紛,草地鋪了粉色的花瓣。一片花瓣,有著一個動人的故事,等待欣賞的人,傾訴紅粉的妝容。雨樹化春泥,清秋。 萬夏點妝紅,夏夜。 芳草葉繽紛,春醒。

Fallen leaves, trees in the rain with pink flowers, the breeze passing by, petals falling, pink flowers paved on the ground. Each petal has a touching story, waiting to tell the tale to someone who appreciates. The Spring Soil, Ching Chiu. Summer Adornments, Hsia Yeh.The Fragrance of Flowers and Grass, Chun Hsing.

全發酵 (100%),輕焙火。台灣特有紅玉種,葉型條索、烏黑鮮活;湯色紅玉,香似薄荷微甘甜,口感涼爽帶韻回甘。另有阿薩姆紅茶,糖香濃郁活潑,茶湯強勁具收斂性。

DAHUANG Black Tea is strongly flavored but still pleasing todrink. It can be consumed hot or cold and may be mixed with additional additives.

蜜香紅茶 Honey Black Tea

蜜香紅茶 Honey Black Tea

蜜香紅茶 Honey Black Tea


This intoxicating fragrance is a private treasure. This tea is more intoxicating than wine, the feast with tea and honey creates an exquisite combination of lingering flavors.Treasure of the Mountains: Bursts of Fragrance Autumn Leaves: Transparent

蜜香紅茶 Honey Black Tea

綠茶 Green Tea

Green Tea


Green is the most natural color. From the instant the buds appearfrom the nourishing soil, life often hides it glamour behind the pleasing green. Enjoy nature with the sweet flavor.


青茶 Light Green Tea

青茶 Light Green Tea

Light Green Tea



Layering greenery gently embracing the city, the plants are guardians to the bustling world. With a cup of tea in hand, the entire world seems to pause for you. The Soft Shine of Jade, Wen Yu. Gentle Breeze, Ching Feng. Distance Mountains in Spring, Yuan Chang

潽洱 Pu’er

潽洱 Puer

潽洱 Pu’er


The ancient said that when you look into your tea cup with your heart, you will see the tea was filtered by earnest, every tea drip is like uncarved and brilliant Ruby born down into the tea cup which was wreathed by the steam.Thin is as suave as the mist, thick is as
heavy as the ink .Simultaneously, sipping tea is like appreciating a
master piece.

雨墨春秋 – 墨春 Rain of the Ages: Mo Chun
竹岡夜月 – 月竹 Moon in Bamboo Forest: Yueh Chu

壺泡約 8g 左右,適合以中大型壺沖泡沖泡溫度 以 100℃左右沸水沖泡

溫潤泡煮 30 秒 ( 加入 160ml 沸水 ),第一泡煮 1 分鐘 ( 加入800ml 沸水 ),第二泡煮 2 分鐘 ( 加入 800ml 沸水 ),爾後每泡遞增 1 分鐘,切勿煮過久,會使茶葉稍加苦澀 !

將 3g 的茶葉放入杯中,使用 150ml 水沖泡 5 分鐘

